Do not take as medical advice
The information and content presented on this blog is written by Deborah Olarte. It is only meant to be for informational purposes and it is not meant to substitute or supersede any advice provided to you by your doctor or dietitian. The information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or prescribe any medical nutrition therapy. If you have questions, please speak to your primary care physician or another medical professional.
Credits, Citations, Image and Infographic Use
Though I try to provide as much evidence-based information as possible, some of the information provided is based on personal experience, opinion and belief. I will cite all evidence-based sources when providing informational and educative materials. Additionally, I will try to be upfront when something is my own opinion, experience and belief.
Unless otherwise stated, all photography presented on this website is my own. The content, resources and infographics presented on this blog were all created by me as well. I include my information on all pins and infographics. I am happy to have my photographs, content and information shared but I kindly request that you provide credit and cite me as your reference. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me, via the contact page at any time.
Let’s work together!
I’d be more than happy to work with you! If you’re looking to collaborate through a sponsorship, advertise or write about my work and research, do not hesitate to reach out via the contact page or you can email me at